Simple, simple pleasures get me through this winter.
Warm mugs of coffee...shoe-splurge enabling with N....mom's kosher eggs benedict (turkey bacon>pig bacon), Charles Aznavour on the radio...dad's bow-ties with plaid shirts...Icelandic scarves... lunch at Camros with my Zola and De Lacroix readings...racy lacey tights from Paris...Canadian fur blankets...Israeli wine...Sunday Aroma dinners...bbm conversations with Kate in Australia...cashmere pjs...silly hats...knitted toque/fedora combos...old Johnny Depp movies...funny Milanese boys...almond milk...Porter Airlines...Garance Dore...my sweet Korean dry cleaning lady...walking past 60 St.Thomas...spritzing L'Interdit straight out of the shower...home made granola...www.yogatoday.com...my sister's blog...steamy saunas...rediscovering leopard trench coats...Gatsby magazine...autographed ballet slippers...little Marley...
aww dad looks so dapper and cute in these! how do you get your pics to look like polaroids?? its sick.
and all i have to say to your tukey bacon is...
hey turkey, just be yourself!
yes turkey often suffers from such identity crises.
wow! i love your blog. the fur hat and the reddish scarf look amazing. in total love with them!!!
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